Friday, October 2, 2009

Samaritan's Feet

Hello friends!
It's been a while! So sorry. We've had a lot going on here lately, but I'm not going to talk about that in this blog! Today I want to chit-chat about Samaritan's Feet.

Sandra's House Mayan Ministry has the opportunity to receive 5,000 pair of brand new athletic shoes to give to Mayan children here in the Zona Maya. This is a HUGE opportunity for us as many, many, too many children in the villages do not have shoes at all! The terrain here is very rocky and I think it's safe to say that every child in the poorest of the poor villages walk to school. Not having shoes, of course, doesn't stop them from going and it certainly doesn't stop them from enjoying their lives. Many of them love to play el futbol (we know it as soccer), jump rope, and any kind of game that involves chasing each other around. Could you imagine kicking a soccer ball, barefoot, while running around on rocks, sticker patches, sticks, broken glass, and anything else lurking around on the ground? I certainly can't!

We will be receiving the shoes from an organization called Samaritan's Feet. We must pay $5 per pair of shoes, which comes to a grand total of $25,000! Holy cow! That's a lot of money! I truly believe that our God is bigger than $25,000 and that the money can be raised, but we are going to need some help. Thankfully we have the great invention of the World Wide Web to get this information out there and get some shoes on the feet of some very deserving Mayan kids!

If you feel led to donate, please send your desired amount to:
Sandra's House Mayan Ministry
P.O. Box. 1668
Monroe, NC 28111
Please make note that this is for the Samaritan's Feet project. We are a 501(c)3 Non-profit organization and all donations are tax deductible!

We love you, we thank you in advance for your help in spreading the word about Samaritan's Feet. Check out their website too; they have other really cool projects too!

Jamie and Jonny

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